A Dog and Her Boy!

Last weekend was a very special weekend for Miss Carolina. She got to meet her boy and his family for the first time! The first meeting on the porch almost brought me to tears as he wrapped his arms around Carolina, squeezing her tight, and talking to her. He was more than happy to take over her leash and tell her to go potty outside before we walked inside to meet the rest of the family. Carolina did great as all of her boys’ siblings, cousins, aunts, and more said hello to her and told her how pretty she was. The proud look on her boy’s face said it all. It’s a match made in heaven. After the short visit we said goodbye and got a good night’s sleep for the long day ahead of her.


Carolina got to spend several hours with her family the second day, playing, walking, and bonding. Along with play came some work as well. They learned what Carolina was and wasn’t allowed to do, the rules that she is expected to follow both inside and outside the house, everything from potty training rules to heeling nicely on walks. Not only did Carolina get an A in class that day, but her family got an A+ as well!


The bonding part of the whole experience is one of the most important things that Carolina and her boy got to work on last weekend. Everything from him giving her hugs, treats, telling her sit, to probably the most heart warming – swinging together.


I can’t express my joy over how well these two have started their friendship together! Carolina might not know it yet, but her boy is fully aware that she was born special for him. We look forward to watching their bond strengthen more and more each time they visit together. I think I speak for the whole family by saying the next time can’t come soon enough!

They have an amazing journey ahead of them and I am happy that I get a front row seat along the way!





Carolina sitting nicely after her boy asked her to sit and eating up his praise! Good girl Carolina!


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